Heard it on the Radio…

As many of you have noticed DUNDERBRAIN! has been on a little hiatus.  I HATE NOT WRITING, but what I hate most about not writing is atrophy.  Like any other muscle your mind looses power when it’s not actively used and even the simplest tasks like writing a 250 word blog entry seem impossible.  I like to call it a pruning time, like every good bush has to be trimmed before it will grow… huh huh I just talked about trimming bush. So anyway, tonight I was a special guest on the Brandon Kinney Show which airs on Fishbowl Radio.  […]

Where for art thou, DUNDERBRAIN!

So it’s been a couple weeks since the last post but with good reason DUNDERCATS.  The DUNDERBAIN! is in a chrysalis right now, metamorphosing into a whole new entity.  I’m assembling a team, my “dream team” of DUNDERCATS to help me build the DUNDERBRAIN! empire.  We’re going to be changing to a weekly format instead of daily, it’s much easier for me to edit and keep up with.  Despite most common belief I do have a life that I’ve gotta live, otherwise there would be nothing to write about here!  The all new DUNDERBRAIN! will be delivered to subscribers on […]

Ask DUNDERBRAIN! My best friend loves my boobs… and he’s gay!

i have double d’s. my best friend is gay i go to gay bars. ive experienced what you are talking about. But what i want to know is why? and do you make out with girls? my best friend does but he’s gay.He’s tried to make out w/ me but i don’t want to complicate things and he puts his face in my chest every chance he gets. Why does he do this you ought to know right? I use to let it go but it’s getting ridiculous he’s all over me and i don’t get why? I would really […]

The Adventure of Reef Smoothy

A few years ago I had a debit card that really got me in trouble.  I had ATM cards before but that was my first real debit card that I could but stuff online with.  First off I got memberships to netflix, Columbia House DVD club, and participated in a few special offers to get a free XBOX 360.  Within a month my card was WAAAAY overdrawn and my account was closed.  Needless to say I’ve been very reluctant to get another bank account  and since then cash worked just fine for me.


I am all alone.  But I’m not lonely.  This is something that has taken me my entire life to appreciate.  So many people I know can’t stand the though of being alone; they spend all their energy trying to make another person love them to gratify some selfish internal need to have their self worth proven to them and I was once one of these people.  Now I am alone, and I like it that way. I was talking to a guy online the other day about his crappy dating life.  I asked him what problem exactly he was having […]

Wanna be gay? There’s a tax for that.

So just out of curiosity is it wrong that I don’t feel like a victim because I’m gay?  I don’t have to ride in the back of the bus. I can vote. I can drink from whatever water fountain I want. Do I need to start searching out ways to be discriminated against?  Should I feel a little more put upon by the world?

Dude… brah…

In my 29 years on this lonely little planet I’ve dabbled into just about every social scene – Or dated someone from every social scene rather (who you callin a HO?).  The only thing I’ve never delved into were the Dude/Bro’s.  Dude/Bro’s have always fascinated me, but I’ve never been cool enough to be one.  Or built enough, rather.  Ever since I went all anorexic and lost my baby weight my junior year of high school I’ve been a twig.  No muscle definition, some gushy parts… not terribly fit.  Things have changed now since the community rec center is only […]

Fighting for the Ectasy Army by way of the Hallucinogen Platoon…

Tonight I witnessed a murder.  It actually happened Saturday night but I saw it on TiVo today.  The victim was music, the culprit: Pop singer Ke$ha.  Just another example of the music industry taking someone with a shred of talent and trying to juice every single dollar they can out of them before throwing them back to the real world where they can either get work on a celebrity dating or rehab show or get a job sacking groceries at the buy and bag.

When I’m 35 he’ll be 55…

I’m getting to that age when all the young guys are starting to think I’m sexy, and that’s a bit scary to me.  I’m always meeting guys in their 40’s that have hot young 22 year old boyfriends and as horrible as it is I can’t help but wonder exactly how long will it last?

Oh the things that go through an insomniac’s brain…

As I’m sure you’ve gathered already sleep doesn’t come easily for the DUNDERBRAIN.  As soon as one of my personalities falls asleep another wakes up sometimes and then there’s no hope for sleep.  As with many insomniacs when I try to sleep often I get little songs stuck in my head or images will play over and over like a bad film reel.  Last night though was truly awful.  There was clown porn playing in my head.