Bodies… all… the… bodies…

Today is Dia De Los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.  When I lived in Las Cruces, NM this was a pretty big deal. In the antiquated town of Mesilla on the southern outskirts of Las Cruces they shut down the town square and people from all over the area set up alters for their deal loved ones.  It’s really cool to walk around and check out the different altars, each one laid out with the favorite items of their deceased.  Its hard not to eat the food laid out for them too because it’s always something really awesome and […]

Yup, I voted for the black guy!

Today I got in for early voting at almost 5pm on the last day of it.  I have to admit I was impressed with the turnout there, but the caliber of people that showed up when I did sent a pit straight to my stomach. I got a nice playlist consisting of ultra-liberal artists like Ani DiFranco, Bitch and Animal, Radiohead, U2… and isn’t it funny that neither Radiohead nor U2 are from the US but have very strong voices on US politics…  anyway, I zoned out hardcore. There was a cute guy standing with his Mom.  Or at least […]

Assless Chaps and Children Don’t Mix…

Every year around Halloween in the heart of Gay Dallas the strip on Cedar Springs transforms into a wild debauchery fest filled with drag queens, leather daddies, and all other matter of Faerie Folk but over the last few years it has gained noteriety in the hetero community as the top halloween festival in the area. GREAT!  Good for them.  But the downside?  IT SUCKS.  I decided not to go this year because I just wasn’t in the spirit and now I’m glad that I didn’t. The first time I went to the block party I dressed as the Special […]

The Male Hormonal Cycle…

Every month around the same time I get that “not so fresh” feeling.  Well not in the place most people usually get it, it’s like I feel it in my soul.  It’s like clockwork, it’s always been that way.  I’m irritable.  I’m depressed.  It’s the only time I can ever cry.  It’s my manrag. Every man has them, straight, gay, paper machete…  every man I have ever known has had the same problem weather they want to admit it or not.  It’s a rough time, and I think it’s a lot rougher on men than women.  Sure women bleed, bloat, […]


It’s 9am and I’ve been up for an hour watching YouTube.  There SERIOUSLY needs to be an interactive YouTube Channel on cable or dish or something somewhere, or is there and I’m just totally out of touch?  Anyway,  if I could sit around in my underwear and watch youtube with a remote I would be in HOG HEAVEN. But amidst watching videos of kids getting hit in the nuts by the whole “coke + mentos = fun” trick and an art montage to Tracy Chapman’s “The Promise” I made it a point to pay attention to the comments people would […]


After writing my blog yesterday about morning commercials on broadcast TV I began to notice more patterns on Cable channels. Yesterday as I watched the weight obsessed Janice Dickinson on Oh! I noticed the pattern of commercials was really sending me mixed messages.       Commercial One: “PHAT GIRLS” Staring Monique on Thursday night; A movie embracing morbid obesity. Mo Mo was HUGE in that movie, and they accentuated that every chance they got. See what I did there, I gave her a pet name. Because we’re tight like that.       Commercial Two: Jenny Craig. Wait – […]

I can’t believe all this money I got for my old gold jewelry!

I have developed a very adamant TV schedule in the mornings. I start every day at 7:30 where I watch one episode of I Love Lucy, two episodes of Roseanne, two episodes of The Cosby Show, then after that I try to become somewhat productive but often my time bleeds over into the 4 hour block of court shows that fallows.     In between all the static I’ve become fascinated with commercials. I’m sure everyone’s seen the ones I’m talking about but they either come on too early or too late for most of you to remember. They usually […]

Bitch, Please.

Music. The great quantum connector. It should really be considered an element – music has created more than water, moved more than air, destroyed more than fire, and is stronger and more solid than earth. Music is a theme that has recently migrated into my life as a staple, I mean music has always been a major part of my life as it is anyone’s, everyone walks to the beat of a drum or what not but music – more specifically the intense energy that it generates – has been the most influentiall part of this particular scene which is […]

Birthday cake, anyone?

In the history of all office birthday parties, the last that I was subjected to had to be, by far, the most awkward.  This past Friday one of the telemarketers in my office had a birthday, and she had mentioned earlier in the week that she didn’t celebrate it.  Now when I hear “I don’t celebrate my birthday” I take it for what it is, the person isn’t as infatuated with birthdays as most of the population is.   I happen to be one of these people myself.   Needless to say I understood but the other Ladies in the […]

Ignorant Bitch, Anonymous.

Working in a formal office environment has been a huge social transition for me.  I’ve gone from working on a one-on-one basis with people doing massage but now I’ve been thrown into multicultural clusterfuck of varying intellects.  One conclusion that I have deducted from working in an office setting is a support group needs to be formed, a group that a certain member of my office team would definitely fit.   Ignorant Bitch, Anonymous.   We’ll call it IgBitchAnon, you know like how they shorten it for the drunks.  This certain woman in my office…  every comment that she makes […]